The government is off track to meet baby loss targets – Urgent action needed for twins and multiples

As we approach the 2025 deadline for the government’s targets to reduce stillbirth and neonatal mortality, it is clear that they are off track and are far from meeting their self-imposed targets. While small progress was made for a while, the stark reality is that too many babies are still dying—especially in multiple pregnancies.

The government is off track to meet baby loss targets – Urgent action needed for twins and multiples

As we approach the 2025 deadline for the government’s targets to reduce stillbirth and neonatal mortality, it is clear that they are off track and are far from meeting their self-imposed targets. While small progress was made for a while, the stark reality is that too many babies are still dying—especially in multiple pregnancies.

The government is off track to meet baby loss targets – Urgent action needed for twins and multiples

As we approach the 2025 deadline for the government’s targets to reduce stillbirth and neonatal mortality, it is clear that they are off track and are far from meeting their self-imposed targets. While small progress was made for a while, the stark reality is that too many babies are still dying—especially in multiple pregnancies.

Our babies wouldn't be here today without tube feeding

When Jemima and Alastair’s twins arrived eight weeks early, little did they know that they would have to be tube fed to survive.

Managing childcare with twins and a toddler

Emily had only recently returned to work after her maternity leave with her oldest before she discovered she was pregnant again and expecting twins.

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Healthcare professional webinar - The Role of a Specialist Multiples Midwife (11 December 2024)

The second in our new series of webinars is on the role of the specialist multiples midwife. The webinar is hosted by Helen Peck, who is joined by Laura Jones and Nicky Nicholson.

Eunice and Babs' story

When Eunice and Babs' twins, David and Faith, were just days old, she suffered a pulmonary embolism and a cardiac arrest and was cared for in a specialist hospital. During this time she died for nearly 10 minutes and was in a coma and on life support.