We're helping the NHS to ensure the best possible care for babies from multiple births
We’re calling on NHS Trusts throughout the UK to ensure they have Twins Clinics for multiple birth families as we know they deliver good care.
A report by MBRRACE, released on Thursday 14th January 2021, looked at 50 twin pregnancies in 2017 where one or more baby died. The aim was to review the quality of care to determine whether different care may have made a difference for the babies and their mother.
In around half of the baby deaths reviewed, the care was poor. If care had been better it may have prevented the baby from dying.We're doing all we can to work with the NHS to improve care for our families as a matter of urgency. Click here to read more about the report.
We appreciate the data published by MBRRACE will be of concern to our expectant families, we have developed some information that will hopefully answer some of the questions you may have.

It’s important to make sure you are getting the right maternity care. You should be seen in a dedicated twins/multiples clinic by a specialist team of healthcare professionals. We have developed an antenatal checklist that lists all of the care that you should be receiving. If you’re not getting the care you should, speak to your healthcare professional team.
View Antenatal Care Checklists
We want you to know that we’re here to support you. If you need a listening ear, our freephone helpline is available. You can also contact us via email [email protected] Alternatively, visit our forum to chat to other parents that are expecting twins, triplets or more.