Here are key findings from the project – you can read the full report by clicking here.
- 65% of units saw a reduction in their neonatal admissions rate for multiples in just 12 months
- 60% of units saw a reduction in their emergency c-section rate for multiples in just 12 months, which relates to 105 fewer emergency c-sections
- Every unit taking part in the project increased their overall adherence to NICE NG137
- Nine out of ten professionals in units that completed the project agreed that “if we hadn’t done the Maternity Engagement Project we would not have achieved as much positive change.”
- At the end of the project, one maternity unit saw a ‘statistically significant’ reduction in their neonatal death rate from 3.2% to 0%

Statistics show that if all maternity units in England (157) implement similar changes to increase adherence in NICE QS46, within a year neonatal admissions could be reduced by 1,308 with a cost saving of £8 million.
Emergency c-sections could be reduced by 634
After just five years, up to 100 stillbirths across the UK could be prevented (*UK figure derived from findings from St George’s University Hospital in London which was an early adopter of NICE QS46. They witnessed a 70% drop in stillbirths amongst twins in five years).

The project was extensively covered in the national press, including articles in The Times, MailOnline, Daily Mirror, ITV News, Daily Mail and The Telegraph. We were also on BBC TVs Victoria Derbyshire Show and there were articles in The British Journal of Midwifery and Infant Journal.