Are you looking for a charity to support this year? You could choose Twins Trust and work in partnership with us for mutual benefit and positive PR.

Not only is it a great way to bring your staff together for some motivation and team building, it can also provide a way for your company to include corporate social responsibility within its objectives and raise your corporate profile and image by being associated with a charity.

Whether you choose to make company donations or encourage your employees to get involved and fundraise together, we’d love to hear from you.

Staff at Rubber Cheese raised over £12,000 when they chose Twins Trust as their charity of the year. 

Managing childcare with twins and a toddler
Emily had only recently returned to work after her maternity leave with her oldest before she discovered she was pregnant again and expecting twins.

If you would like to find out more about adopting Twins Trust as your charity of the year (or longer) please get in touch with us.